Friday, February 20, 2015

Web Development Crash Course: Become a Web Developer Today

web developing course

The Web Development Crash Course covers everything you need to know to start building your own websites. By the end of the course, you will have your very own personalized domain and an amazing website to show of to the world.
Learning HTML and CSS is easy, and all you need is a text editor and a web browser, which we will cover in the course. You will learn by building three projects, which helps keep the course interesting and engaging. All lectures are straight to the point, so you will always be learning.
web devloping from crush

IN this course We Will Learn Following Contents !!!

HTML Crash Course:

  • What is HTML?
  • Structure and Doctype
  • Head and Body
  • Headlines
  • Paragraphs
  • Making Lists
  • Adding Images
  • Copyrighting

CSS Crash Course:
  • What is CSS?
  • Getting Started
  • Styling Text, Links, and Headings
  • Background and Border Properties
  • Give Me Some Space or Get in Line
  • Classes and IDs
  • Styling Lists

Your Personal Website:
  • S4L1_Intro
  • Setup Your Multipage Website
  • Creating Your Header and Navigation Bar
  • Styling Your Header and Navigation Bar
  • Adding The Footer
  • Styling the Footer
  • Let's Color
  • Adding Multiple Pages
  • Building The About Page
  • Styling The About Page
  • Building The Contact Section
  • Style the Contact Section
  • Building the Home Page
  • Style the Home Page
Uploading Our Website:
  • Make Your Site Famous: Choosing A Domain
  • Where Do I Store My Site? Finding Hosting
  • Transferring Your Files: Everything You Need To Know About FTP

--------------It hase 10 Parts-----------------

                   Videos On Youtube:

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