Friday, February 27, 2015

Bulid An E commerce Website With php and My Sql 2015

   E commerce Website

build ecommerce website

Course Layout Must Watch

Gain New Customers With Search Engine Visibility

Lower CostsLocate the Product Quicker

Eliminate Travel Time and Cost

Enable Deals, Bargains, Coupons, and Group Buying

 Create Markets for Niche Products

FROM this Course We Will  Learn:

01. Gathering The Tools
build ecommerce website
02. Setting Up a Simple Ecommerce Solution

02. Setting Up a Simple Ecommerce Solution
03. Setting Up a Local Development Environment

03. Setting Up a Local Development Environment
Installing PHP and MySQL

Installing PHP and MySQL
08. Setting Up the Store

08. Setting Up the Store

04. Installing PHP and MySQL
05. Planning for Ecommerce Functionality
06. Setting Up an Ecommerce Site in Dreamweaver
07. Installing and Setting Up the Cartweaver Ecommerce Extension

09. Setting Up Products
10. Managing Workflow
11. Establishing Features for Customer Satisfaction
12. Security


 13. Deploying a Site to the Server
14. Promoting the Store
Exercise Files

E commerce website

                        Password : ethicalhacking786

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